CEA Releases Draft Cybersecurity Regulations for the Power Sector

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has issued the draft Central Electricity Authority (Cyber Security in Power Sector) Regulations, 2024, seeking public comments. Released on August 16, 2024, these draft regulations are available on the CEA website and are designed to bolster cybersecurity across India’s power sector.
  • Key Features of the Draft Regulations
    The draft regulations detail the cybersecurity measures required from “Responsible Entities” within the power sector to protect against cyber threats. Responsible Entities include a broad range of power sector organizations such as generating companies, captive plants, renewable energy sources, transmission and distribution licensees, load dispatch centers, energy storage systems, forecasting service providers, traders, and power exchanges, among others.
  • Public Participation Encouraged
    Stakeholders and the public are invited to review the draft and provide feedback. The deadline for submitting feedback is September 10, 2024. Public input will be considered in the finalization of the regulations.
  • Strengthening Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure
    This initiative emphasizes the increasing need for robust cybersecurity in critical infrastructure such as the power grid. By implementing these measures, the CEA aims to safeguard the reliability and security of the power supply against potential cyber threats, ensuring continued service to all citizens.
For more information and to access the draft regulations, check here : Draft  Cyber Security in Power Sector Regulations

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