QRC Consulting and Solutions has now ACHIEVED the accreditation as a PA DSS Assessor Company, hence qualifying it to certify companies who want to gain compliance with the PA DSS standard for their application. The PA DSS certification demonstrates and is applicable to all the requirements that are intended to help payment software vendors develop secure  applications that support PCI DSS compliance.
PA DSS standards are applicable to third-party applications that store, process or transmit payment cardholder data as part of an authorization or settlement. Applications that are meant to be used in-house only are exempt from PA-DSS, however they must comply with  PCI DSS.
Organizations that gain compliance with PA DSS can be added to the List of Validated Payment Apps by PCI SSC as PA-DSS compliant.
The version 3.2 of PA DSS Standard states  14 Requirements  that help vendors secure payment applications that do not store prohibited data, such as full magnetic stripe, CVV2 or PIN data. The standard was an adoption to replace Visa’s Payment Application Best Practices (PABP), that aimed at guiding software vendors in creating secure applications but lacked widespread adoption. 
With increasing use of payment applications and fast adoption, it's crucial for vendors to get their applications certified to avoid any security incident. As PA QSA Company and with a team of certified professionals dedicatedly serving our clients,  QRC can provide both advisory as well as certification services to support gap analyses and recommend remedial measures, providing a clear path to compliance effectively.
For more information about QRC’s PCI DSS Certification Services, please  click here  .